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Loohan's blog for September, 2020

Sep 1, '20: (8pm) I only got 1.5" off the initial Laura surge, then they kept predicting gobs more rain, but i only got 0.4" since. Until this morning. I was awakened at 4am by hard rain and lightning. Lots of rolling thunder in the distance.
Finally shortly after 9am there was a lull, and i went out to upend my rain gauge to make room for more. I had gotten slightly over 3"! No wind.
Then i got more drizzle today, and am supposed to get more rain...

Hot new resin program just out: the Equalizer Program.

September 6, '20: (7:15am) I got a 1.3" rain shortly after last post, and none since. Highs in the 80s lately but supposed to get cooler in a few days.

I made an interesting (to me, anyway) discovery about aluminum: aluminum that has been cast but not machined or worked has no vibe i can detect. If i look at pix of aluminum ingots, i don't feel anything. If i look up pix of cast aluminum i only get pix of aluminum which has been machined, and these all have a vibe. Of course, so does foil, sheet aluminum, etc.
Presumably the stress of machining or extruding the metal causes some disalignment in the structure which gives off a vibe.
Of course, unworked aluminum can be programmed, which then makes it have a vibe. But not necessarily one that feels like aluminum.

Sep 10, '20: (10:15am) Pic is from Portugal yesterday. I received another fake sun pic from there today, plus some from Jamaica! I still can't figure out why this machinery still exists.

Sep 21, '20: (12:55pm) I had another 1/4" a couple days after i posted last, and none since. Supposed to get some rain tomorrow and the next day.
Mild days and cool nights.

I have had fake planes off and on at times. At times it would sound like multiple jets scorching their way echoingly across the sky, yet none would be visible. Often it is just the sound of a single propellor plane.
As far as real planes spotted on flightradar, flights over my place have been steadily increasing slightly, including Delta and SWA. They seem to have a particular affinity for the SW corner of my property, but only when going in a SE to NW direction.
And, an hour or 2 ago, 2 CIA prop planes buzzed over annoyingly, from one U base area to another.

The big news is, Joe flew to Denver and busted the place! With a bunch of his stuff and mine. This has been a horribly troublesome area for some time. He's back home now.

He said that the worst-feeling place was here:
Both the square building marked with red, and the Highline Academy.
Both are CIA. I marked out the area that has a strong AI computer vibe. The business has a website with pictures of the repticlone staff.
Likewise does the academy, which also has the AI vibe about it.

Sep 22, '20: (4:05pm) Cooler weather, light drizzle.

I just realized that persons unknown have been seriously carpet-bombing the California Bay Area with Channel Program and Buddha Compassion Pgm. Sure feels like it, anyway. Nice work!

Sep 25, '20: (5:15pm) Not the only place i've noticed on the map, but probably the most dramatic. Someone has anonymously been working Mexico City for years. Others include Paris and north of Paris. Bellingham, WA... plus of course other places that people i know are doing up.

I got 0.2" of drizzle over 2 days. Real nice weather once the fog lifted this afternoon. Some chem-clouds of course.

I'm onto some other "new" variety of creepy human. Got them lit up now in Constellation Indus as well as U bases in the Puget Sound region.

The back story on this: in 1992 i was in an Environmental Studies class at WWU Bellingham, WA, and there was this other guy in the class, normal-looking, whom i did not know, who really creeped me out a couple times when i sat next to him.
A couple months ago i remembered this guy, and realized he was something sinister and unusual. I found a few U bases around the Sound that seemed connected to him, but i still have not caught him underground.

Today i realized that a lot of negative energy that has been impinging on me for some time comes from this species, and this goes back thousands of years. I have had dealings with them before. Which is part of the reason this guy creeped me out so much, i now realize.

A few days ago Eenia had me cast an epoxy "crystal" which makes me very uncomfortable to hold. I figured out that this is because it lights up THEIR energy IN ME where it has long covertly saturated me. When i hold this thing, their energy kicks back at me, and the conflicting vibes between us light up their bases. Their vibe is real strong in Indus right now, and the Puget Sound region. Guess we can call these the Indusians.

(5:25pm) Forgot to mention: these Puget Sound and Indus Constellation bases i'm talking about do NOT have the usual CIA/AI/black goo vibe! Very strange. The Puget ones do feel like some secret gov't agency similar to DIA or NSA. And i suspect they are very important in some unknown way. I do not know what they are doing, really.

(7:05pm) For those who monkey around with frequency devices, these guys seem vulnerable to frequencies around 888Hz. But if you're intuitive, tweak the exact freq a bit. It might be 887-something or 889-something. I change it occasionally, also switching sometimes between square and triangle wave.

Sep 27, '20: (1:40pm) Today is probably about the last warm day of the year. We are promised an inch of rain tonight, followed by cooler but sunny weather.

That frequency info is still valid! I am hoping they will not develop a resistance to it. I am dealing with these guys in U bases and space. I am finding some friends being attacked by Indusian U bases now. Maybe they have been for a long time but i didn't notice. Or maybe these ETs know those are TI's i have been helping, and hit them to spite me.
I get a lot of attacks from their space locations. Indus might be where they are most concentrated, but they are all over.

The usual anti-Egyptoid stuff does not work on them, but many other of our programs do, especially the Strontium-Barium Program which i have a lot of and which can channel through the Channel Program.
Also a couple of our new symbols, especially this one, and the center one here.
And, this simple hardware cloth unit. Perhaps new tools will "emerge".

I am serious about exterminating whatever these things are.
Incidentally, i seem to detect 89 of them attending Everett Community College in WA. Near Seattle. Someday Joe will drop by there to party.

I found a couple "celeb" Indusians so far: Joseph William Kelly Jr., pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers, and pro golfer Joe Affrunti (pic). These guys look Egyptoid enough, so i don't know why the anti-Egyptoid devices don't do much to them.

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